October 2018 – Coping with Change of Circumstances to Your Operator’s Licence

For any heavy goods vehicle (HGV) used to carry goods as part of a trade or business or a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) used to carry passengers is required by law to have an Operator’s Licence.

It is an offence to use a place in any Traffic Area without authority from the Traffic Commissioner to use that site as an operating centre for vehicles. The site must be specified on the licence. An operating centre is the base or centre at which a vehicle is normally kept. It an offence to contravene any condition attached to an operating centre.

There may be circumstances beyond your control such as land sold for development or natural disasters like flooding when you have to move all your vehicles from your authorised operating centre. What do you do in such a scenario?

In such a scenario, you will have act fast. Finding an alternative location at short notice and getting permission from the Traffic Commissioner is the top priority and won’t happen overnight, especially as you have to meet the condition on your licence at all times.

However, if you’re deprived of your operating centre at short notice and notify the Office of the Traffic Commissioner (OTC) straight away, a limited period of grace could be given for you to find a new operating centre provided the Traffic Commissioner is satisfied that where you’re parking in is a safe and lawful area.

The most important thing is to make an application for a permanent new operating centre and you can ask for an interim licence to operate temporarily.

For more information on operating centre requirements, click here for guidance.

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